Understanding Gluten Free Flours


Hey guys… so, I’ve decided to share the bits and pieces of what I know about substituting ingredients.  This is part of the Substitution Series:  Part 1 is Understanding Gluten Free Flours, Part 2 is How to Substitute Eggs, Part 3 is How to Substitute Sugar, Part 4 is  How to Substitute Fats/ Oils, Part 5 is How to Substitute Dairy and Part 6 is Substituting the Top 10 Allergens in Baking. Be so very happy, my vegan baker friends! :)  So, not alot of recipes this week, but LOTS of great info to help you out.  For more great articles on GF baking, visit the Resources section.  Fill your boots, homies. :)


Understanding Gluten Free Flours

NOTE about BUYING:  To buy these flours, I often list BobsRedMill because they deliver to Canada (woot!) they ship in smaller amounts and are waaay cheaper this way. However, I also frequently list Purest Natural Products (www.PurestNaturalProducts.com) . They are a local Gluten Free company (fromPerth! people! support our local guys!), AND they are in process to start certifying Nut Free as well.  Contact them directly about bulk flour shipping, as its not listed on their site.  They deliver in 5 and 10 kg bags, which is terrific, because ordering in bulk anywhere else you can only get 25 kg bags (50 pounds). Anyway. Give them a shot. I believe in these guys. !

NOTE about SAFETY: If you are celiac, do not, do NOT buy these flours in bulk bins.  There is a significant risk for cross contamination. Do yourself a favour and buy a few larger bags directly from the certified companies above and put them in the freezer. Its cheaper that way anyhow.

NOTE about a GIFT: Oh. And if you happen to have the time to weigh these flours, I would love you to pieces and send you cookies in the mail, or deliver if you live in the city.  I mean it.



12 Replies to “Understanding Gluten Free Flours”

  1. Hi and thank you for all the great info i have a problem trying to make gluton free muffins but they come out gummy in middle and skin on outside that ia harder i do not know the flours how to conbine tham for good texture i would like to use amarenth and quinoa flour if possibble what do you sugest? i olso use chia seed gel and substitute for egg flax seed could that be my problem? please help me thank you renata

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