Chocolate Rhubarb Upside Down Cake (Gluten Free, Vegan, Paleo, Egg free, Dairy free, Grain free)





Hey gang!- It’s rhubarb season and I’m looking for as many neato ways to use it up as I can, before its all gone.

I love when seasonal fruits start popping up- you almost drown yourself in them and then as soon as you’re almost sick of it, another new fruit comes in season and its on to the next adventure!   For now, its rhubarb time.


I wanted to try something a little unusual, and I figured a chocolate upside down cake would be perfect.  Now, if you need it to be nut free- please try the awesome recipe at Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen.  Brilliant blog, it is :D


Why on earth would I put chocolate and rhubarb together, you might ask?

Well, I was supposed to make two chocolate cakes for my family dinner last night.  And I kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda ran out of time because my sister’s little beanies were getting hungry and I couldn’t keep the oven running…. So, I figured, may as well use up the extra batter left over and try something a little unusual!


NOTE : this makes the most phenomenal chocolate cake, ever. So, you can always just make it without the rhubarb. However, the rhubarb is awesome. Just sayin’  :)